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Today SASS invited us to the mountain (medicinareberget) to make plans for Musikhjälpen - an annual music aid telethon put on by public broadcasters Swedish Radio and Swedish Television. The theme for this year is "no one should have to run away from the climate".

Cake and SAKS must made a great impression on us and we will keep contact after this!

Look out for our events! First of there will be a Pot-lock and Christmas Crafting!

When: 9 dec

Starting time: 16.15

Where: Sahlgrenska Academy, Medicinarlängan, Under the clouds

Bring happy thoughts, something to eat and share and stuff you have lying around at home (empty beer/soda-cans, glass jars, toilet paper tubes). We will eat and make some DIY-gifts and just have a good time together while listening to jingle bells.


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